About Us

Our names are Rich and Carolyn. We’re a Husband and Wife Duo from Northern California. We came up with the idea for the Dutch Oven Kit while searching for an awesome and unique White Elephant Gift during Christmas time. Our stomachs were particularly upset that evening and we kept joking about pulling a Dutch Oven on each other. Shortly thereafter, Rich said, "I’m sure somebody makes a Dutch Oven Kit. You know, a blanket in a box!"
After searching all night, we found that no such kit existed, so Rich put one together for a White Elephant Gift and brought it to a Christmas party. Once opened, people thought the Dutch Oven Kit was hilarious and it quickly became the most popular gift at the party.
After the madness of Christmas was over, we kept thinking about the Dutch Oven Kit we had made and it still made us laugh. People kept talking about it and we knew we had created something special.
It was at that point that we decided to develop the idea into a full fledged product. In doing that, we had a few requirements:
- The product had to be funny beyond the obvious “Blanket in a box.”
- The blanket itself had to be quality.
- The price needed to be reasonable.
To address the first requirement, we created the recipe card that’s included in every Dutch Oven Kit. It’s an extra level of silly that really ties everything together. Second, we spent a ton of time sourcing a blanket people would actually use. We want people to get a good laugh AND a nice blanket. Finally, we priced the entire package at $34.49. Perfect for a fun, silly white elephant gift, Gag gift, Father’s Day gift or a unique birthday gift.
Months of work later, our Dutch Oven Kits were complete and here we are, presenting them to you. we sincerely hope they make you laugh and hope their recipients enjoy them!
That being said, if you have any issues, we’ll make it right. If you have any questions, we’re happy to answer them! We’re here to help and (Hopefully) make you laugh. If you need to contact us for any reason, we can be reached by any of the methods on our Contact Us Page.
Thanks for looking. Now get out there and fart!
-Rich and Carolyn
Founders - Dutch Oven Kits Fart Blankets